- 我生长在人群密集的城市里,没有见过森林里的野生动物,也很少见到长着翅膀飞翔的小鸟,因此对生物一片陌生。
- I 'm growing up in a crowded city . I did not see the wildlife in the forest , also seldom see the birds flying in the sky , therefore I 'm not familiar with the biota .
- 他仰天摔倒了,看到了天空,天上有月亮。
- The man fell on to his back . He could see the sky . The moon was in the sky .
- 看校园外的那片天空,那片树林子已经被砍伐殆尽。
- Almost outside the campus to see the sky , almost forest has been deforested son .