- 这是一个令人鼓舞的迹象。
- It was a promising sign .
- 超过300家店铺最终签署了工会协议。
- Over 300 shops eventually sign union contracts .
- 这是一个时代的标志。
- It is a sign of the times .
- 迄今为止迹象是混杂的。
- The evidence so far is mixed .
- 根茨科又寻找其它证据。
- Gentzkow looked for other evidence .
- 现有的证据相当令人信服。
- The evidence is pretty compelling .
- 但是女王肯定是一个标志。
- But a symbol she certainly is .
- 这是智力多任务化的标志。
- It is the symbol of intellectual multi-tasking .
- 他们不也是被看作品牌标志的吗?
- Aren 't they supposed to be the symbol ?
- 他们说自己并没有对广告商强加任何排外的条款。
- And it says that it does not impose exclusivity agreements on advertisers .
- 越来越多的人支持对金融交易征收适度的税。
- There is growing support to impose a modest tax on financial transactions .
- 另一位博主对政府意图征收燃油税表示愤慨。
- Another expressed outrage at the government 's intention to impose a fuel tax .
- 这些销售人员也会招募自己的销售员。
- These salespeople also recruit other salespeople .
- 有才能的老师非常难以招募和保留。
- Talented teachers are hard to recruit and keep .
- 难怪华尔街和伦敦金融城会觉得,失意的年轻物理学家那么容易招收。
- No wonder wall street and the city find it so easy to recruit disaffected young physicists .
- 历史上的帝国都喜欢收集战利品。
- Empires like to collect booty .
- 我的嗜好是收集邮票。
- I collect stamps as a hobby .
- 现在他们为班上的同学收集食物。
- Now they collect it for their classmates .