- 我想象我走在一个狭窄幽暗的走廊,两边是昏暗光秃秃的墙壁。
- I imagine this as a narrow , shadowy corridor with dim bare walls .
- 此外,让我们来了解这个梦境积极地一面:追赶你的那个模糊的人的披风可能镶有金边哦!
- But wait , let 's end this list on a positive note : the cloak on that shadowy figure chasing you may have a silver lining !
- 具体的问题,如公共财政或价格控制,被研究过,但国家本身在经济学文献中一直是一个模糊的形象。
- Specific problems , such as public finance , or price controls , have been investigated , but the state itself has been a shadowy figure in the economic literature .
- 我们的记忆(以及我们的蜂群思维)是以同样模糊而偶然的方式创造出来的。
- Our memories ( and our hive minds ) are created in the same indistinct , haphazard way .
- 而大叙利亚的天然国家则更像是一系列更加模糊的城邦,比如腓尼基、阿勒颇、大马士革和耶路撒冷。
- The natural state of greater syria beyond the constellation of city-states like phoenicia , aleppo , damascus , and jerusalem is more indistinct still .
- 从地球来看月球、它却散发着苍白和模糊的颜色,淹没在太空的蓝色光芒之中。
- From the earth , the moon shines pale and indistinct , being flooded with blue light from the sky .
- 更糟糕的是,美国证交会的问题措辞含糊,以致很多答案都是没有意义的。
- Worse , the sec 's questions are so vaguely worded that many answers will be worthless .
- 在这次事件中,共和人民党(chp)不再采取措辞含糊的誓言来屈服。
- In the event it took no more than vaguely worded pledges for the chp to cave in .
- 在一份措辞含糊的公告中,雷普索尔重申了其出售ypf部分股权的意愿,并表明可能采用公开出售股份的方式。
- In a vaguely worded announcement , repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its ypf stake , possibly through a public share offering .
- 蒂莲能朦胧地望见那著名的山顶和马厩。
- Tirian could dimly make out the wellknown hill-top and the stable .
- 在geary泄愤完毕后,他将lincoln拖过一条灯光朦胧的走道,把他锁进一间禁闭室里,那牢门是全金属制的。
- After geary exacts his revenge , he drags lincoln into a dimly lit corridor towards an isolated cell and locks him behind a forbidding metal door .
- 新华网站上刊登一张两人握手合照,表明金先生身体虚弱,皮肤下垂,双眼朦胧地望向远方。
- A photograph posted on the xinhua web site of the two men shaking hands shows mr. kim as a frail man , his skin sagging and his eyes staring dimly into the distance .