- 选择伴侣并建立坚固关系的过程,无论是为了孕育小孩,还是为了增强一个人的社会经济地位,或是为了尝试房事技巧,亦或是仅仅为了在冰冷孤单的宇宙中找个伴儿,总是必然的效率低下和踌躇不前。
- The process of selecting and securing a partner , whether for conceiving and rearing children , or for enhancing one 's socioeconomic standing , or for attempting motel-room acrobatics , or merely for finding companionship in a cold and lonely universe , is as consequential as it can be inefficient or irresolute .
- 世界上有几个和尚不贪恋红尘的,没有几人能忍受那种孤独与寂寞的环境的,至于那些看破红尘的还是留给那些大师们去做把,我们还要在红尘中翻滚几年呢。
- A few monks in the world who do not covet your neighbor dust , and did not , few can stand aloof and lonely that the purpose of the case , and for those who see through the dust is still reserved for those who have done the giants , we still where does the dust billow years .
- 选择伴侣并建立坚固关系的过程,无论是为了孕育小孩,还是为了增强一个人的社会经济地位,或是为了尝试房事技巧,亦或是仅仅为了在冰冷孤单的宇宙中找个伴儿,总是必然的效率低下和踌躇不前。
- The process of selecting and securing a partner , whether for conceiving and rearing children , or for enhancing one 's socioeconomic standing , or for attempting motel-room acrobatics , or merely for finding companionship in a cold and lonely universe , is as consequential as it can be inefficient or irresolute .