- 你会看到孩子剔骨最多成为下一个老虎伍兹。
- You 'll see young children boning up to be the next tiger woods .
- 评论家已经赞赏了导演的想象力和全场经典3d应用,特别是在剧中的年轻英雄漂流在海上,并逐渐驯养了一只凶猛的老虎。
- Critics have praised the director 's imaginative and sure-footed use of 3d , as the young hero drifts on the ocean slowly taming an impressively realised and very scary tiger .
- 评论家已经赞赏了导演的想象力和全场经典3d应用,特别是在剧中的年轻英雄漂流在海上,并逐渐驯养了一只凶猛的老虎。
- Critics have praised the director 's imaginative and sure-footed use of 3d , as the young hero drifts on the ocean slowly taming an impressively realised and very scary tiger .