- 一个新政府的形成可能走很多弯路。
- The formation of a new government could go dreadfully wrong .
- 月球山谷的形成仍是一个谜。
- The formation of lunar rilles remains a mystery .
- 减少企业形成所面临的诸多障碍。
- Reduce the barriers to business formation .
- 那些关着我们的形状的线?
- The shape that shuts us in ?
- 也有助于保持蔬菜的形状。
- It also helps preserve their shape .
- 索托马约尔将如何影响最高法院的形态目前还难以辨认。
- How ms sotomayor will shape the court is hard to discern .
- 工业品产量持续增长。
- Industrial production continues to grow .
- 但这些都是产品补贴。
- But these are production subsidies .
- 工业生产只是短时下跌。
- Industrial production dipped only briefly .