- 我的姐姐送我一个热水袋做乔迁礼物(让我无须独自睡在冷冰冰的床上),让我每天晚上搁在心口上,好比护士照料运动伤害患者。
- My sister gave me a hot water bottle as a housewarming gift ( so I wouldn 't have to be all alone in a cold bed ) and I slept with the thing laid against my heart every night , as though nursing a sports injury .
- 佐治亚唯一的要求的是不受干扰,让它自己去休养生息。
- All georgia wanted was to be let alone so the state could recuperate .
- 我可以被人还包围仍然觉得孤独。
- I can be surrounded by a sea ot people and still teel all alone .