- 韩国要注意,金正日最新的军用舰艇已经在距你海岸线30英里的地方部署好了。
- Look out south korea kim jong-il 's latest war machine is taking shape 30 miles off your coast
- 请留意,不久之后,或许会有个城镇叫星巴克了。
- Look out for a town called starbucks some time soon .
- 一定要当心你作业中的拼写错误。
- Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work .
- 答:小心,和我所能给你的父母。
- M : take care and give my best to your parents .
- 我是你的哥哥,我会一直照顾着你的。
- A brother who will always take care of you .
- 在孩子身边时,注意你的言辞;孩子们会模仿成人讲话的方式。
- Take care what language you use around children ; they mimic the way adults speak .