- 对烹饪和物理学的理解的结合起来,你可以得到不沾锅和感应炉灶。
- Combine an understanding of cooking and physics , and you get the nonstick pan and the induction stovetop .
- 在过去,非同步感应发动机的主要缺陷是很难改变转子的速度。
- In the past the main problem with asynchronous induction motors was the difficulty of varying their speed .
- 相形之下,泰斯拉跑车仅仅使用单个齿轮这要归功于它的三相感应发动机。
- By contrast , the tesla roadster uses just one gear-such is the flexibility of its three-phase induction motor .
- 市政府在官网上发言称这样的词汇诱发享乐主义、精神空虚。
- The municipal government says on its website that such words induce hedonism and spiritual emptiness .
- 为了诱导基因突变,安倍博士用碳离子轰击发芽的种子30秒,然后她将之种入官城县的稻田。
- To induce the mutations , dr abe bombarded germinateing seeds with carbon ions for 30 seconds . She then planted them in fields in miyagi .
- 吉尔伯特的这种活疫苗的目标并非诱导抗体而是t细胞(一种白细胞)的产生,从而获得细胞免疫。
- Gilbert 's aim with this live vaccine is not so much to induce antibodies as white blood cells called t-cells - to get so-called cell-mediated immunity .
- 研究人员只能推断出丹尼索瓦人可能是黑皮肤。
- The researchers will only conclude that denisovans likely had dark skin .
- 阴谋论者可能推断道:美国政府正企图隐瞒一些数据,让自己更具有吸引力。
- Conspiracy theorists might conclude that the american government is trying to nip and tuck its way to attractiveness .
- 既然排除了墓穴和军用的可能性,考古学家断定,它唯一的用途可能就是宗教崇拜。
- Excluding funerary and military purposes , archaeologists conclude that the only purpose could have been religious .
- 然我们总结下最近的新闻。
- Let us sum up the recent news .
- 小说家e.m.forster的这句话可以用来总结全球化。
- The words of the novelist e. m. forster sum up globalisation .
- 当我请他总结比亚迪是如何逐步做强的时,他的回答很谦虚。
- Asked to sum up how byd built its business he offers a modest response .