sum up基本解释
sum up的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Let us sum up the recent news .
- 然我们总结下最近的新闻。
- The words of the novelist e. m. forster sum up globalisation .
- 小说家e.m.forster的这句话可以用来总结全球化。
- Asked to sum up how byd built its business he offers a modest response .
- 当我请他总结比亚迪是如何逐步做强的时,他的回答很谦虚。
- Ever since the current economic crisis began it has seemed that five words sum up the central principle of united states financial policy : go easy on the bankers .
- 从当前的经济危机开始到现在,美国财政政策的核心原则就可用五个字加以归纳:放纵银行家。
- Can you sum up what you 've written into a paragraph or even a single sentence ?
- 你是否可以把你所写的总结成一个段落甚至一句话?
- As the year of china-india friendship draws to an end can you sum up its main achievements ?
- “中印友好年”快接近尾声,你能总结一下这所带来的主要成就吗?
- They look at each item sum up what it 's worth .
- 他们把每件东西的价值相加,得出总价值是什么。
- Can a single picture sum up all of 2010 ?
- 一幅照片能概括2010年的一切吗?
- To sum up he is a competent monitor .
- 总之,他是个很能干的班长。
- To sum up : the overall impression one leaves manila with is one of deprivation buzzing with life and joy .
- 总而言之,当你离开马尼拉时,你对这个城市的印象会是一个杂乱无章但也充满着生活气息和欢乐的城市。