- 瑞士对其银行提出了更严格的要求。
- Switzerland gets extra tough with its banks .
- 还有人认为他态度强硬、过于苛求。
- Others thought him tough and demanding .
- 不过那些服务人员比较强硬。
- The attendants are tough , though .
- 上升狮子座有一套强有力的规章制度。
- Leo ascendant has a strong constitution .
- 强劲的日元也是如此。
- So could a strong yen .
- 强劲的经济增长本身并不是目的。
- Strong growth alone is not the goal .
- "严峻的",描述了一个初步的评价,说明了年轻的白葡萄酒,从寒冷地区葡萄低温发酵条件.
- " Flinty " describes an initial evaluation indicating a young white wine made from cool region grapes under cold fermentation conditions .
- 其中一侧的公园是硬质的现代设计,用水泥堤岸防治洪水。
- And one side park is the flinty modern design , prevents and controls the flood with the cement dike .
- 大会参与者都喜爱坚定的保守党以及罗姆尼的竞选伙伴保罗.赖安。
- Convention-goers loved paul ryan , a flinty conservative and mr romney 's running-mate .
- 因为,最后,最为重要的是,这就是这个国家的故事建筑在不屈奋斗基础上的不灭希望的故事。
- Because in the end , more than anything else , that is the story of this country the story of unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle .
- 在他们条理、坚韧、倔强不屈的方式下,他们顶着个人困难,把家人幸福或工作需要放在高于自己的位置,在其他人早已放弃或倒下后还能不停地向着目标前进。
- In their methodical , tough , stubborn , unyielding way , they persist against personal hardship , putting their families and / or their work before their own needs and welfare to reach their objectives long after others have given up and fallen by the wayside .
- 也就是说,思科的举动,在加上惠普在网络市场上不屈不挠的扩张,很可能会一连串的连锁反应-不仅仅是挖了个坑,让这两家成为主要竞争对手,还让主要服务器供应商ibm、戴尔也卷入了争斗中。
- That said , cisco 's move - combined with hp 's unyielding expansion in networking - is likely to set off a chain of events that will not only pit these two as major rivals but also draw server vendors ibm and dell into the fray .