- 联合国强悍的人口统计学家宣称世界人口在10月31日达到70亿。
- The un 's doughty demographers have declared that october 31st is the day on which the world 's population reached 7 billion .
- 作为一位犹太人,少年时他是伦敦贫民窟一个勇敢的街头斗士,二战前法西斯的追随者们又一次地在这里游行,并高呼“除掉犹太人”。
- As a jewish teenager he was a doughty street-fighter in the london slums , where adherents of pre-war fascism were once again marching , chanting " get rid of the yids " .
- 强悍的新加坡政府投资公司(governmentinvestmentcorporationofsingapore,简称gic)并不常成为异端思想的滋生地。
- The doughty government investment corporation of singapore is not often a hotbed of heretical thought .
- 虽然船员们英勇地向着西伯利亚前进,但最终三十三名探险人员中有超过一半的人丧生。
- Although the crew made a valiant sprint for siberia , more than half the 33 men on the expedition perished .
- t的真实声音项目是一个勇敢的尝试,其目的是在当前的网络架构下尽可能的改进电路交换的语音质量。
- At & t true voice was a valiant attempt to improve circuit switched voice quality as much as possible in the context of current network architecture .
- 否则,人群是不受这些自然轻松地在广场上前行的演员的英勇表现的影响的。
- Otherwise , the crowd remains unaffected by the valiant efforts of the actors who move with a natural ease across the esplanade .
- 如今它们在岛上、以及另一批外来物种(目前要在该岛居住一年的十位勇敢的科学家和气象学家)的探险营地和粮食仓库里肆意横行。
- They now over-run the island , the base camp and the food store of the other newly arrived species : the currently ten intrepid scientists and meteorologists who live there for year-long stretches .
- 一队无畏的登山者正小心翼翼地挪动着通过一条高度超过100米,摇摇欲坠的山路,这条通道被誉为世界上最危险的道路。
- Teetering along a crumbling walkway over 100 metres high , a group of intrepid climbers carefully inch their way across what has been dubbed the most dangerous path in the world .
- 看起来,现在到了为那些同样勇敢的探索者们干杯的时候了。
- Now seems like the perfect time to raise a glass to these equally intrepid explorers .