- 你做这事的意图是什么?
- What is your intension of doing it ?
- 从幻觉出发的张力与意图。
- From illusion to tension and intension .
- 针织内衣的内涵与外延。
- Intension and extension of knitted underwears .
- 这种低密度的能量导致它快速退化。
- This lack of density causes the rapid degrading .
- 脊椎中的骨骼密度是最先降低的。
- Bone mineral density in the spine decreases first .
- 他们发现人口密度的升高伴随着大脑尺寸的降低。
- They found that brain size decreased as population density increased .
- 伊朗正面临前所未有的严厉制裁。
- Iran is facing sanctions of unprecedented severity .
- 真正的目的在于降低危机发生的频率和严重程度。
- The aim is to reduce the frequency and severity of crises .
- 美国将执行力度与惩罚严厉程度都急速提高。
- It has sharply increased both enforcement and the severity of punishments .
- 我不能强迫他暂时留下来。
- I can 't force him to stay .
- 没人能强迫农场主雇佣重罪犯。
- Nobody can force farmers to hire felons .
- 而政府就是这样一股力量。
- Government is one such force .
- 而且武装分子的实力可能会越来越大。
- And their strength may be growing .
- 拉霍伊会怎样利用他的力量呢?
- How will mr rajoy use his strength ?
- 此外,还有人担心它们的强度。
- There were also concerns about their strength .
- 政治学、公共关系学、社会工作等。
- Political science & public affair & social work & mpa .
- 鲍里斯约翰逊辩称他作为警察局主席,对此进行干涉“并不适合”。
- Boris johnson argues it would " not be right " for him , as mpa chair , to intervene .
- 整个欧洲已经广泛地实施了法院强制屏蔽的判决,但是如果电影协会胜诉了,将标志着这个战术首次在英国起作用。
- Court-imposed blocks have been used widely throughout europe but a success for the mpa would mark the first time the tactic has worked in the uk .