- 在那里,在稀疏的桦树林覆盖的山顶上,是他家放养的2000多只强壮的驯鹿的巨大的鹿角。
- There , atop hills haired by thin birch forest , are the prodigious antlers of his family 's reindeer herd , more than 2000 strong .
- 一个家庭中只有一个孩子,容易摆在家庭生活中不恰当的位置上,娇惯溺爱,特殊化,造成了独生子女行为习惯上出现了些毛病,比如,娇气、任性、骄横,独占欲强以及生活自理能力差等等。
- One child in a family , easy to put in family life is not the appropriate place , to coddle spoiled , specialization , resulting in child behavior problems appeared more like , finicky , capricious , arrogant , du zhanyu strong and living poor self-care and so on .
- 从青少年自身来说,问题少年出现各种偏差行为主要因为成长过程中心理产生了一些矛盾,自我意识强与对家庭依赖的矛盾,对于外界的心态也比较矛盾。
- Come to say from teen-agers oneself the problem various deviation appears on teenager behavior mentality has produced a little contradiction mainly because of growing up in process , autopsyche has been strong and has directed on depending contradiction of family , the psychology to the external world can 't compare contradictious .