- 你的皮肤会富满弹性。
- Your skin should feel elastic .
- 托利党遵循灵活多变的原则,将与这种演变的格局保持一致。
- With their elastic principles , the tories will probably adapt to this evolving landscape .
- 他们的动脉也显示出对血流变化的反应越来越灵活和迅速的迹象。
- Their arteries also showed signs of becoming more elastic and responsive to changes in blood flow .
- 但去年春季该公司倒闭了。
- The company folded last spring .
- 纳马夸兰的春季花朵世界知名。
- The namaqualand spring flowers are world famous .
- 你准备好了春季大扫除吗?
- Are you ready for spring cleaning ?
- 也许这是一个好主意,偶尔浏览一下你的笔记或者书本,否则你也许会忘记你学过的知识,再说你也不想觉得这一年是在浪费时间吧。
- I haven 't gone crazyit might be a good idea to flick through your notes or books every now and again , otherwise you might forget most of it and you don 't want to have completely wasted this year .
- 书报的内容会前一晚自动地传到电子阅读设备上,这样人们在早餐桌旁,地铁里,飞机上,就能够快捷地浏览不同故事了,并可能为此而付费。
- The convenience of having content delivered to devices automatically overnight , and being able to flick quickly between stories at the breakfast table , when underground or on an aeroplane , might be something that people will pay for .
- 相反,如果你浏览一下巴塞尔委员会(baselcommittee)最近发布的形形色色的报告,或投行发布的2011年预测,你会发现,这些报告和预测仍严重依赖愈益复杂的模型构建形式。
- On the contrary , if you flick through the recent plethora of reports from the basel committees or look at the 2011 forecasts emanating from investment banks these remain heavily reliant on ever-more complex forms of modelling .
- 浏览这25位入围企业家的幻灯片,在10月21日前投票选出你的最爱。
- Flip through this slide show of our 25 finalists and vote for your favorite by oct. 21 .
- 当一个消费者浏览一本服装产品目录的时候,他们都不想看到仅仅只是描述衣服颜色的评论。
- When consumers flip through a clothing store catalog , they usually won 't find bare-bones descriptions that stop at the color of the garment .
- 浏览一些你喜欢的家庭杂志,以激励你去清理杂物。
- Flip through some home magazines you enjoy to motivate you to clean up the clutter .
- 子弹状星系团的情况如何?
- What about the bullet cluster ?
- 子弹擦过穆勒的耳朵。
- A bullet grazed mueller 's ear .
- 低成本的航空公司能否打败子弹头火车?
- Can low-cost airlines beat bullet trains ?
- 他们总是接不到球。
- They never received the ball .
- 我连一件去参加舞会的夜礼服都没有!
- I haven 't got a evening dress for the ball !
- 在一些社区,庆祝并不仅局限于这一次舞会上。
- And in some communities , festivities do not end with the ball itself .
- 不要让你的孩子玩耍非粉类的步枪,例如弹丸枪或者空气枪。
- Don 't allow your child to play with nonpowder rifles , such as pellet guns or bb guns .
- 刚好就在从幼虫化蛹之前,个体会排出一个散发恶臭的小球,其中包裹着发育过程中所有的排泄物。
- Just before or after the transformation from larvae into adult bug , the individual releases a very stinky pellet that contains all of the built-up waste .
- 首先,斯金纳把一只鸽子放在笼子里,内置一个自动喂食器,它每隔15秒钟就会放出一个食物丸。
- Skinner would begin a lecture by placing a pigeon in a cage with an automatic feeder that delivered a food pellet every 15 seconds .
- 他们总是接不到球。
- They never received the ball .
- 我连一件去参加舞会的夜礼服都没有!
- I haven 't got a evening dress for the ball !
- 在一些社区,庆祝并不仅局限于这一次舞会上。
- And in some communities , festivities do not end with the ball itself .
- 这次表演将在加州,举办过传奇的1967年蒙特雷流行音乐节的现场进行。
- The show will take place in california at the site of the legendary 1967 monterrey pop festival .
- 他第一个证明了主流流行的受众并不像很多人想象的一样心胸狭隘。
- He was the first person to prove mainstream pop audiences were less bigoted than some had feared .
- 我认为这可是对流行音乐歌迷们来说最让人兴奋的事之一。
- And for pop fans , this is one of the most exciting things I can think of .