- 另外,研究表明在排球运动训练中大都重视发展大的肌群和主动肌群,往往忽略小的肌群、薄弱肌群及韧带的训练。
- Moreover , the research enunciation values to develop the big muscles and active musclemen mostly in volleyball exercise train , usually neglecting small muscles , weak musclemen and the training of the ligaments .
- 第一种使人不健康、渺小、虚弱,而第二种能释放自身连你自己都不知道的力量、勇气、善良,甚至智慧。
- The first kind can make you sick and small and weak but the second can release in you strength , and courage and goodness and even wisdom you didn 't know you had .
- 鼹鼠的一生几乎都是在地下度过的它们眼睛小视力弱,体毛(丝绒般)柔软,臀部短小适于在狭窄的地方来回转身。
- Moles spend almost their entire lives underground-small weak eyes , velvety fur , and small hips for turning around in tight places .