- 胡深受启发,她按照克莱因的教导,重新排列了Lark包装盒内的部件。
- Hu , impressed , did as she was told , rearranging what was inside the box . "
- 胡和他的同事想知道说谎是怎样在练习中得到变化的。
- Hu and his colleague wanted to see how lying changed with practice .
- 用ng博士的话来说,这种射线追踪方法,直接来自计算机图形分解技术。
- This ray tracing , as dr ng calls it , derives directly from computer graphics .
- 乔布斯对此产品很痴迷并邀请ng到他在帕洛阿尔托的住宅。
- Jobs was fascinated enough to summon ng to his palo alto home .
- 其发明者renng毕业于斯坦福大学,他最初是在自己的博士论文中提出这一理念。
- It is the brainchild of ren ng , who originally developed the concept for his doctoral thesis at stanford university .