

nunnery 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Nunnery
nunnery 修女院
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- I 'd rather avoid the attention of turning a nunnery into a slaughterhouse .
- 我希望避免使修道院变成屠宰场。
- You ...... why do you live in a nunnery ?
- 你……为什么会住在尼姑庵?
- Chin also had a grandmother who lived in a nunnery , but she seldom came home .
- 琴有一个住在尼姑庵里不常回家的祖母。
- Tourists may go to qianxun falls via the hook bridge nunnery and the shy spring .
- 游客经过弧桥庵和含羞泉就可到达谦逊瀑。
- Tell me not , sweet , I am unkind that from the nunnery of thy chaste breast and quiet mind , to war and arms I fly .
- 宝贝,别说我是黑心肝,不该舍弃你纯洁胸膛和恬静心灵的圣庵,却飞往战场与刀枪。
- They 've shipped me off to this nunnery .
- 他们把我送到了寄宿女校来。
- I 'm a catholic and I can go into a nunnery .
- “我是天主教徒,我可以去女修道院。”
- Elsa bore a child at the nunnery .
- 爱莎在那个女修道院生了个孩子.
- Wolsey has agreed to draw up plans to send the queen to a nunnery .
- 沃尔西已经同意想办法把王后送去修道院了。
- Get thee to a nunnery . Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners ?
- 让你去修道院,为什么你会是罪恶的温床呢?