- 某日,昆弟弟林一松介绍一个新房客-蓝心玫,租住昆饭店上空置套房.
- Some day , an elder brother younger brother forest pine introduced that a new boarder - blue heart gui , rents on the elder brother hotel the vacant anteroom .
- 嫂嫂不悦道:三弟你太粗鲁,何不学学二哥,也来点文的。
- Elder brother 's wife is vinegary path : 3 younger brother you are too cloddish , why to learn to learn 2 elder brother , also will nod of article .
- 嫂嫂不悦道:三弟你太粗鲁,何不学学二哥,也来点文的。
- Elder brother 's wife is vinegary path : 3 younger brother you are too cloddish , why to learn to learn 2 elder brother , also will nod of article .
- 我将永远不会忘记。
- I will never forget it .
- 为什么我要去那里?
- Why should I go there ?
- 我有时步行去学校。
- I sometimes walk to school .