- 因此就陷入了巨大的核困境。
- Thus the great nuclear dilemma .
- 海水净化是一个重大的希望。
- Desalination is the great hope .
- 但其中存在着巨大不确定性。
- But the uncertainty is great .
- 全球卫生运动总喜欢宏伟的目标。
- Global health campaigns like grand goals .
- 缅甸过去曾经放弃过一些宏伟计划。
- Myanmar has abandoned grand plans before .
- 签订如此宏伟协议的可能性有多大?
- How likely is such a grand deal ?
- 有巨大的社会压力要求提拔女性。
- There is huge social pressure to promote women .
- 争论的气氛能提升灵活度。
- The contentious atmosphere can promote flexibility .
- 这又如何能促进经济的增长?
- How does that promote growth ?
- 江苏卫视的王乐于接受新事物。
- Mr. wang at jiangsu was receptive .
- 汪的蛋黄仍然保持完整无损。
- Mr wang 's egg-yolk remains inviolate .
- 王先生的情况又怎么样了?
- And what has become of mr wang ?
- 诗人菲利普拉金是撒彻尔夫人的崇拜者。
- Philip larkin was one of those who adored mrs. thatcher .
- 菲利普罗斯一直是热门的人选但始终没能获奖。
- Philip roth has been a perennial favorite but has not been selected .
- 当菲利普九岁的时候,她就进入了收容所。
- She was committed to an asylum when philip was nine .