- 没有几个西方人能引用孔子的话。
- Few westerners can quote a saying of confucius .
- 能够准确而快速地给出报价会提高你搞定那个咨询兼职的概率。
- Being able to quote quickly and accurately will raise your chances of landing that consulting gig .
- 摩托罗拉或者德尔科的销售人员可能路过,拿一份电阻报价。
- A salesman from motorola or delco might stop by with a quote on resistors .
- 鹰派经济学家也引用弗里德曼反通胀运动。
- Hawks also cite friedman 's anti-inflation crusade .
- 他们还引用实例来说明其实用性。
- They cite examples of its usefulness .
- 我所举出的这些例子,只不过是数百个例子中的一部分而已。
- The examples in the box are just some of hundreds I could cite .
- 专题小组的建议是什么?
- What did the panel recommend ?
- 人推荐一下牌子吧?
- Would you recommend some brands ?
- 我建议一直记录详细的笔记。
- I recommend keeping careful notes .
- 他还曾经承诺将任命一位拥有很大权力的首席营销长。
- He has also pledged to appoint a high-powered chief marketing officer .
- 因此,马丁奴同意指定小组领导协助协调双方的合作。
- So mr. martino agreed to appoint team leaders to help coordinate .
- 此外,内地公司还不能随意指定一家过去聘用过的审计公司。
- Moreover , companies won 't be able to appoint any old auditor .