- 事实上,他整个文本满缀著引号,这些符号是用来分别角色与作者自己的话语,而这些话语有如小岛一般碎列在小说作品中,由四面八方蜂拥而来的多音浪潮冲刷洗涤。
- His entire text is , in fact , everywhere dotted with quotation marks that serve to separate out little islands of scattered direct speech and purely authorial speech , washed by heteroglot waves from all sides .
- 资源名称无效。请检查名称的拼写,确保其中不包含反斜杠或引号,然后再试一次。
- The resource name is not valid . Check the spelling of the name , making sure it does not contain a backslash or quotation marks , and then try again .
- 例如,如果名称某部分包含句点、双引号、左括号或右括号,则需要使用括号和双引号来分隔该部分。
- For example , if a name part contains a period , double quotation mark , or a left or right bracket , use brackets or double quotation marks to delimit the part .