- 在每个行业发现欺诈和玩忽职守都被调查者调查证实了。
- Malpractice and fraud have been discovered in every industry examined by investigators .
- bouguet说,她计划起诉医生玩忽职守。
- Bouguet said she is planning to pursue a medical malpractice suit .
- 他还提出了一个出人意料的观点,即用行政权力来鼓励各州遏制玩忽职守。
- He also announced a surprising idea to use executive authority to encourage state-level experiments in curbing malpractice abuses .
- 每一个重大选项都有重大缺陷。
- Every big option has big drawbacks .
- 两种传统都存在缺陷。
- Both traditions have their drawbacks .
- 甚至于经病人同意后的录像访谈也有缺陷。
- Even videotaped interviews with consenting patients have drawbacks .
- 受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。
- Victims tend to minimize the abuse .
- 滥用将会是一个问题。
- Abuse would be a further problem .
- 路德维希显然看到了虐待儿童的蛛丝马迹。
- Ludwig evidently sees evidence of child abuse .