- 本文对这部作品中的主题和人物进行了探悉,指出霍桑巧妙地运用了象征手法,揭示了清教压抑下的人性扭曲与异化,从而表达一种冲破枷锁,建立新道德的美好希望。
- This essay makes a brief exploration of the theme and the characters of this novel , and shows that hawthorne makes tactful use of symbolism and exposes tortuosity and heterization of the constrained human nature by puritanism to express his beautiful hope breaking through shackles and establishing new morals .
- 这种疏离是一种双重悲剧。
- This alienation is a double tragedy .
- 然而,大学第一年我始终有种疏离感。
- However a sense of alienation followed me through my first year .
- 这一制度亦使智利的年轻人疏离政治令人忧心。
- It has contributed to a worrying alienation from politics among younger chileans .
- 符号拜物教是符号世界的一种异化现象。
- Symbol fetishism is a kind of dissimilation in symbol world .
- 设计前瞻:生态异化、形态演化与设计进化。
- Ecology dissimilation , form evolution and design progression .
- 西方马克思主义异化消费论。
- Consumption of western marxism dissimilation is talked .
- 你疏离、孤立且畏缩。
- You 're alienated and isolated .
- 使人感到不自在或被疏离的。
- Making one feel out of place or alienated .
- 你疏离、好辩并常常逃避现实。
- You 're alienated and too ready to debate .