- 据说,当时美国女歌手琼贝兹(joanbaez)为参加一个反战游行而来过这家酒店,她和另外15个客人一道在某个语焉不详的地下掩体内唱着民谣、听着炸弹的轰响,度过了圣诞夜。
- Joan baez is said to have been visiting the hotel for an antiwar protest at the time , and along with 15 other guests , spent the night in a vaguely described bunker beneath the building , singing folk songs and weathering the bombing .
- 谁能够像制止翻滚的马车地压抑怒火,我会称许他是善御者、而其他只是拉缰绳的人。
- He who holds back arisen anger as one checks a whirling chariot , him I call a charioteer ; other folk only hold the reins .
- 专家中华网健康专题为你介绍如下内容:牛皮癣医院、牛皮癣偏方、牛皮病,它会传染给其他人吗?
- Language experts to introduce health project as follows : psoriasis hospital , psoriasis folk prescription , cowhide disease , it will spread to other people ?