- 令人高兴的是,奥巴马具备必须的威望领导未来世界的走向:他的手还是干净的,他明显不谋求为他的国家的错误开脱。
- Happily , mr obama has the authority needed to lead the world towards a resolution : his hands are clean , and his lack of desire to exculpate his country is evident .
- 如果秘密法庭运用在处理这些赔偿案件上,政府便可以尝试在不暴露机密信息的情况下赢得官司。
- If secret courts are used in dealing with them , the government can attempt to exculpate itself without revealing confidential information .
- 至于研究能否为因胡作非为尔收到责备的青少年开脱责任,他说,“那是留给哲学家的问题。”
- As to whether any study can absolve teens of blame for their antics , he said , " that 's a question for the philosophers . "
- 他指出,无论相关法律意见存在多么明显的缺陷,它们都应该足以免除审讯人员的责任。
- He suggested that , whatever the manifest flaws of the legal opinions , they should absolve interrogators of blame .
- 合作、一体化随便你怎么称呼都无法免除单个政府的责任。
- Co-operation , integration , call it what you will , does not absolve individual governments of responsibility .
- 所有这一切似乎是在说明td业务的光明前景,即使是其四年内资本回报率20%的预期目标也看上去非常乐观。
- All this would seem to vindicate td 's bullishness , even if its goal of a 20 % return on invested capital within four years looks optimistic .
- 但是,我们应该在多大程度上相信欧洲人会证明自己的判断是正确的呢?
- But how much confidence should we have that the europeans will vindicate their own judgment ?
- 目前为止,金融市场的行为似乎证实了他的观点。
- So far , the behaviour of financial markets seems to vindicate his point .