- 有良好的沟通能力与开拓能力
- With good communication and developing abilities .
- 诺贝尔奖获得者如何开拓一种新的文学风格
- How the nobel prize winner is developing a new genre
- 但那些退出也只是提醒诸位:老牌媒体公司在开拓基于网络的重大业务方面基本上已错过了最佳时机。
- But those exits also are a reminder that old-media companies have mostly missed out when it comes to developing significant business from the web .
- 然而,这种现象引发了关于剥削的问题。
- Yet the phenomenon raises questions about exploitation .
- 除此之外还有其他类的剥削。
- But there are many kinds of exploitation .
- 对一种科技的完全开发所花的时间,远远多于5-15年。
- Full exploitation of a technology can take far longer than that .
- 开放服务领域,真正引入来自私人领域的竞争。
- Open up the service sector to real private competition .
- 现在它们可能像web网一样,变得开放么?
- Might they now open up like the web ?
- 在不同网络之间的移动也开放了容量新的来源。
- The ability to move between networks also open up new sources of capacity .