- 环境部长希拉里本最近说:“如果转基因技术能够做出贡献,那么,我们作为一个社会和世界对于是否应用这项技术就有一种选择,而且,现在越来越多的国家正在生产转基因产品。”
- Hilary benn , the environment secretary , said recently : " if gm can make a contribution , then we have a choice as a society and as a world about whether to make use of that technology , and a growing number of countries are growing gm products . "
- 我的贡献是总结这些数据,以图表形式来解释,并把对数据的解释整合成几条简单的规则,并提出制胜策略。
- My contribution was to summarize the data , make a visual chart to easily interpret it , and synthesize those interpretations into a few simple rules that make up a winning strategy .
- 显然想要走产当选谁来作出贡献的底线,不仅仅是温暖涌上你的机构和浪费你的时间周期.
- Obviously you want productive go-getters who are going to make a contribution to the bottom line , not just warm bodies to clog your cycles and waste your time .