- 这花了他大概五个月的时间来写并且执行一个程序来在myspace上定位注册的性骚扰者,他们够愚蠢的--好吧,也许只是傻诚实了一下--竟然用自己的真实姓名注册账号。
- It took him about five months to write and execute a program that could locate registered sex offenders on myspace who were dumb enough -- or hey , maybe just that darned honest -- to sign up using their real names .
- 他刻意利用群众心理的弱点,并由此证明了他是个不折不扣的煽动家毫无疑问,他真诚地相信他是为了公共利益,但不管怎么说,他也是个煽动家。
- He is deliberately building upon the weakness of the mass mind , and in this he proves himself a genuine demagogue -- honest , no doubt , in believing that what he does is for the general good , demagogue just the same .
- 我们可以选择假装什么问题都没有地继续生活,也可以选择诚实地面对我们心中的疑惑,就像大卫、约伯和哈巴谷那样。
- We can just continue to go through life pretending we have everything together , or we can be honest as david , job and habakkuk were about our doubts .