- 如果你需要在程序中存储浮点数,必须将变量类型声明为double,就像上面你写add2integers这个程序需要将变量声明为int型一样。
- If you need to store floating-point values in a program , you must declare variables of type double , just as you previously had to declare variables of type int to write add2integers .
- 例如,如果将一个int类型的值传递给一个参数被声明为double的方法,这个整数会在拷贝给形参变量之前转换为相等的浮点型值。
- For example , if a valueof type int is passed to a method where the parameter is declared as a double , the integer is converted into the equivalent floating-point value before it iscopied into the parameter variable .
- 一定有一个暗示或其他东西。
- Ther e must be a h int or someth ing .