- 你要抽烟或是禁止抽烟的座位?
- Would you like a smoking or nonsmoking seat ?
- 克里斯特先生自己目前正在竞选参议院席位。
- Mr crist is running for the seat himself .
- 你有特别希望的座位吗?
- Do you have any seat preference ?
- 印度需要庞大的制造业基础。
- India needs a big manufacturing base .
- 我们的基地被袭击了!
- Our base is under attack !
- 另一个问题则是投资者基础。
- Another problem is the investor base .
- 奥巴马的立场在那里?
- Where does senator obama stand ?
- 美国应当更坚持于自己的立场。
- America needs to stand firmer .
- 这一立场已经激怒了金先生。
- The stand has infuriated mr kim .
- 这样便可阻止新立法提案通过。
- That will block new legislative initiatives .
- 现代研究发现细胞因子会阻碍老鼠的记忆形成。
- Modern research has found that cytokines block memory formation in mice .
- 他们的思维没有被会阻碍直觉的个人想法所占据。
- Their minds are not filled with personal thoughts that can block intuition .
- 在香奈尔之前,世界最长寿犬纪录的保持者是一只28岁的、名叫布奇的狗,它于2003年去世。
- Chanel became the world 's oldest dog following the death of butch , the 28-year-old former record holder , in 2003 .
- 刘翔今年29岁,预计在这里将与梅里特和古巴的世界记录保持者戴龙罗伯斯(dayronrobles)争夺金牌他也通过了周二的预赛。
- Liu , 29 , was expected to contend for gold here with merritt and the world-record holder dayron robles of cuba , who also advanced out of his preliminary heat on tuesday .
- 如果持有人失去了利息,这样就不会有大的交易。
- If the holder loses the interest , it 's no big deal .