- 在一定程度上他们是对的。
- To some degree thisis true .
- 他获得了波士顿大学的学位。
- Earning his degree from boston university .
- 在某种程度上已经被定型了。
- It already happens to a certain degree .
- 但是监听的范围到底有多大不得而知。
- But the true extent may never be known .
- 这在很大程度上已是既成事实。
- To a great extent that has happened .
- 但他们并不清楚其严重程度。
- But they do not know their extent .
- 很明显,这种做法有一个限度。
- Obviously , this reachs a limit .
- 资本管制限制了资本外逃。
- Capital controls limit capital flight .
- 然而,这种致命的快感是有一定限度的。
- However , this guilty pleasure has a limit .
- 宽容,但只限于犹太教徒与基督教?
- Tolerance of jews and christians only ?
- 对这种行为绝对要采取零容忍的态度。
- Such behavior should be treated with zero tolerance .
- 女性对于疼痛的容忍力比男性强吗?
- Do women have a higher pain tolerance than men ?