- 他不应浪费这个契机。
- He should not waste it .
- 许多广告都是十足的浪费。
- Much advertising is utter waste .
- 这就是善用浪费的办法。
- This is how to embrace waste .
- 更不用说她似是偶然发现的废弃空军机场,现在她想将其改装为艺术收藏的场所。
- And that 's saying nothing of the disused airbase she apparently stumbled across and now wants to transform into a store for art collections .
- 一条小路沿着废弃的铁道通向漫山遍野的树林。
- A path along a disused railway leads to a silent wood that coats this hill .
- 他说过这是废弃的,但我们立即发现了近至2009年的墓。
- He had said it was disused , but we immediately found graves as recent as 2009 .
- 真的有没用的器官?
- Can there really be a useless organ ?
- 什么比没用的信息更糟糕呢?
- What could be worse than useless ?
- 生活中的平衡真的无用吗?
- Is life balance really useless ?
- 但监督机构仅指出了几个行政失误的个案,也没有任何一家组织宣告投票结果无效。
- But monitors noted only a few isolated cases of administrative errors , and none of the organizations declared the vote invalid .
- 美国最高法院一致通过对两项无效专利的裁决,其中包括确定适当的药物剂量的一种方法。
- In a unanimous ruling the us supreme court has rendered invalid two patents covering a method for determining proper drug dosage .
- 8月21日,宪法法院宣布,7月29日关于弹劾巴塞库斯的公民投票无效。
- On august 21st the constitutional court declared invalid a referendum on mr basescu 's impeachment that was held on july 29th .
- 在新年将要来临的时刻,你有什么样的旧皮袋里需要丢弃?
- What are some of the old wineskins you will need to discard as the new year approaches ?
- 这套现代的梦的理论认为梦是归纳主要信息,丢弃无意义数据的一个方法。
- This modern dream theory suggests dreaming is a way to file away key information and discard meaningless data .
- 但也许,政治家们,像央行行长一样,还没有做好抛弃正统的准备。
- But perhaps politicians , like central bankers , are not yet ready to discard orthodoxy .
- 消费者放弃相对昂贵的中间商转向电子交易。
- Consumers can abandon expensive middlemen for electronic commerce .
- 在中期内,它可能会导致政客抛弃财政纪律。
- In the medium term it could encourage politicians to abandon fiscal discipline .
- 抛弃历史,一个民族在面对未来时将处于不利的境地。
- Abandon it , and a nation is poorly placed for whatever lies ahead .
- 修订破产法的提议允许个人在宣布破产的同时说服法官让其保留房屋将废除现有合约。
- The proposal to rewrite the bankruptcy law to allow individuals to persuade a judge to let them keep their homes while declaring bankruptcy would abrogate existing contracts .
- 共和党人从里根时代以来一直倾心于导弹防御,很多人恨不能立刻废除《反弹道导弹条约》。
- The republicans had been enamored of missile defense since the reagan era , and many of them wouldnt hesitate to abrogate the abm treaty in order to deploy it .
- 不难想见,到9月份,成千上万的巴勒斯坦人会在以色列各边境检查站示威;同时,埃及新当选的议员们将采取立法手段,废除埃以和约。
- Come september , it is not difficult to imagine tens of thousands of palestinians demonstrating at israeli checkpoints while newly elected egyptian parliamentarians introduce legislation to abrogate the peace treaty with israel .
- 真的有没用的器官?
- Can there really be a useless organ ?
- 什么比没用的信息更糟糕呢?
- What could be worse than useless ?
- 生活中的平衡真的无用吗?
- Is life balance really useless ?
- 我有一个兄弟是残废人,他百分百是我认为的有工作的穷人。
- My brother is disabled . And he 's definitely what I would consider one of the working poor .
- 大约在我十岁的时候,她让我保证,如果她残废了或痴呆了,我一定要杀了她。
- When I was about 10 , she made me promise that I would kill her if ever she became either disabled or demented .
- 罗斯福从没说过他是第一个宣誓就职的残废人总统;约翰.肯尼迪也没有说过他是第一个成为总统的天主教徒。
- F.d.r. did not say he was the first disabled president to take the presidential oath ; john kennedy did not say he was the first catholic to do so .