- 国际反应做的很好。
- The international response has worked well .
- 日本的热心响应也令人钦佩。
- So is japan 's enthusiastic response .
- 人类的反应是困惑。
- The human response is bewilderment .
- 高能量的中微子也许能帮助解答谜题。
- High-energy neutrinos could provide the answer .
- 下面的图会解答你的疑问。
- The graph below will answer those questions .
- 这个问题要留给最高法院来解答了。
- That is for the court to answer .
- 德北夫人不愿回答。
- Mrs durbeyfield would not reply .
- 这个回答有一定的合理性。
- This reply has a certain coherence .
- 同事们也纷纷回复所有人加以反驳。
- Co-workers sent their own reply all retorts .
- 具体说,自由基使得肌细胞能够对胰岛素作出响应。
- In particular , they help muscle cells respond to insulin .
- 相信那些自由男人和自由女人们对无形的手的响应。
- Have faith that free men and women will respond to the invisible hand .
- 哪里有感知的需求,那里的市场就会有响应。
- And where there is a perceived need , the market will respond .
- 实际上,我交了几个好朋友仅仅是跟他们打了一声招呼而已,或者仅仅解答了他们对一个地方或一些事的疑问而已。
- I actually made a couple of close friends just by saying hi , or answering a question they might have about the place or about anything .
- 熟悉可口可乐申报情况的人士表示,该公司过去几个月来一直在答复商务部官员提出的种种问题。
- People familiar with the filing say coke had spent the past few months answering questions from ministry officials .
- 总有些问题你总是不得不一遍一遍地反复解答吗?
- Are there a few questions that you find yourself answering over and over again ?
- 军方官员承认现有体系有不足之处。
- Military officials acknowledge the system 's inadequacies .
- 甚至弘毅的对手也承认其优势。
- But even hony 's rivals acknowledge its strengths .
- 日本官员承认,这还不够。
- Officials acknowledge that won 't be enough .