- 为什么他要生气呢?
- Why should he be angry ?
- 境外投资者应当注意此言。
- Foreign investors should take note .
- 我们必须抵制中央计划。
- We should reject central planning .
- 但是当权者不能只靠承诺来竞选。
- But incumbents cannot run on promise alone .
- 那么为何要许诺这些不可能做到的事情呢?
- So why promise such impossible things ?
- 履行这一承诺的全部。
- Of fulfilling that promise in totality .
- 具体说,自由基使得肌细胞能够对胰岛素作出响应。
- In particular , they help muscle cells respond to insulin .
- 相信那些自由男人和自由女人们对无形的手的响应。
- Have faith that free men and women will respond to the invisible hand .
- 哪里有感知的需求,那里的市场就会有响应。
- And where there is a perceived need , the market will respond .
- 我同意德格劳威教授的观点。
- I accept prof de grauwe 's points .
- 民选政府会认可不靠谱的技术官僚们瞎猜出来的数字吗?
- Would elected governments accept the guesstimates of unaccountable technocrats ?
- 塞尔维亚拒绝承认科索沃的独立地位。
- Serbia refuses to accept kosovo 's statehood .