- 小麦苗期耐低氮基因型的筛选与评价。
- Screening and evaluating low nitrogen tolerant wheat genotype at seedling stage .
- 苗期土壤水分亏缺后玉米光合生理的恢复。
- Photosynthetic physiological recovery of maize after water deficit at seedling stage .
- 玉米光合生理对苗期土壤水分亏缺的响应。
- Response of maize photosynthetic physiology to water deficit at seedling stage .
- 榕屏厂1994年在当地开业。
- The rongping plant opened here in 1994 .
- 这种类型的种植工厂尚未出现在英国。
- Plant factories have yet to arrive in the uk .
- 或者为我们的孩子种下一棵许愿树。
- We would plant a tree in remembrance .
- 这种设备可将雨水和露水储存起来,之后每次给种子或树苗提供一滴水。
- It could collect rain and dew , then release it to a seed or sapling one drop at a time .
- 养成一个会对你另一半付出感激的习惯,甚至是对于一件极为微小的事情上,而且感激的小树苗将会越长越大而变得足够能支持你们两个。
- Make a habit of offering thanks to your partner , even for the tiniest of things , and a sapling of thankfulness will grow into something strong enough to support you both .
- 现在的你就像那棵小树苗,只要你能发现你所有的潜力,并坚定地实践,就可以享受非常有意义的生活,
- Just like the sapling , you can be so much more alive than you are today , but only if you understand all of your potential and you are committed to achieving it .