- 或许爱只是一种幻觉。
- Perhaps love is just an illusion .
- 又一个错觉完蛋了。
- Another illusion bites the dust .
- 减少风险不过是数字上的幻觉。
- Decreasing risk was a mathematical illusion .
- 这个海市蜃楼是一种以垂直放大和夸张为特点的超级海市蜃楼。
- The fata morgana is a superior mirage featuring the characteristics of vertical magnification and exaggeration .
- 正是这蜻蜓的到来扫除了我的丁点疑虑:一切就和从前一模一样,时光不曾走远,它的流逝不过是幻象。
- It was the arrival of this fly that convinced me beyond any doubt that everything was as it always had been , that the years were a mirage and there had been no years .
- quigley先生称,“我要告诉工会同仁的是,这些养老金承诺不过是妄想,到时这笔钱是不会有的。”
- " What I tell the folks in the unions is that these pension promises are a mirage . The money isn 't going to be there , " says mr quigley .
- 据官方媒体新华社报道,上海警方拘捕了12名引发火灾的嫌疑人,其中包括四名无照电焊工人,以及工程项目负责人和建筑施工管理人员。
- Shanghai police have also detained 12 people in connection with the blaze , including four unlicensed welders , as well as project supervisors and building construction managers , according to the state-run xinhua news agency .
- 在国家饼干公司建筑物附近的第15街西,消防船在格蕾斯线海港(gracelinepier)57号与火焰奋战。
- Fire boats fight a blaze at grace line pier 57 , west 15th st , near the national biscuit co. building .
- 来自视觉科学家西蒙戈里和盖汉堡在德国弗莱堡大学时的创作,这是一个新颖的将英格玛效应与布里吉特莱利的火焰效果结合起来的变形。
- The rotating-tilted-lines illusion , by vision scientists simone gori and kai hamburger , then at the university of freiburg in germany , is a novel variation of the enigma effect and bridget riley 's blaze .
- 此时美国需要远见与魄力。
- The moment requires boldness of vision .
- 成绩差还是视力弱?
- Bad grades or poor vision ?
- 这两种情况均表现为无痛性视力下降。
- Both present as painless vision loss .
- 我们尚不清楚这种活动是随意性的还是服务于某项功能,但是新近一项研究表明,在这一过程中,我们会将眼睛的注意力转移到睡梦中幻想出的人、场所和行为上。
- Whether this fidgeting is random or serves a function has never been clear , but a new study suggests that our eyes shift their gaze to fixate on the imagined people , places and actions in our sleep dreamscape .
- 童话是孩童的第一个故事,因为它诉说了如何离开(父母和家庭),进入有着森林的梦想之地,也进入思维。
- The fairy tale is the first story of childhood because it tells of such leaving behind ( parents and home ) , of entering the dreamscape of the woods-and the mind .