- 11岁的约翰桑德尔(johnsandall)和他的母亲逃离了清教徒源源到来的村子,在一片闹鬼的林子里按照旧有的律制生活。
- At age 11 , john sandall and his mother flee the puritan arrival in their village and live according to older laws in a haunted wood .
- 11岁的约翰桑德尔(johnsandall)和他的母亲逃离了清教徒源源到来的村子,在一片闹鬼的林子里按照旧有的律制生活。
- At age 11 , john sandall and his mother flee the puritan arrival in their village and live according to older laws in a haunted wood .
- 在这个新研究中,韩国嘉泉大学吉尔医院的研究院招募了144名20岁和即将做泌尿手术的年龄稍大的志愿者。
- In the new study , researchers at gachon university gil hospital in south korea recruited 144 volunteers 20 years of age and older who were going to undergo urological surgery .