- 在过去30多年的研究中提出各种理论、模型和经验公式。
- Various theory , models , empiric formulas have been advanced in past more than 30 years .
- 近年来,日本国民经济和社会信息化发展速度较快,日本企业在运用先进信息技术改造生产经营管理模式上不断尝试创新和积累经验。
- In recent years , with the development of japanese national economy and the social informational . Japanese enterprises attempt unceasingly in innovating the production management and operation pattern by advanced information technology .
- 凯南先生从公共事务位置退出进入普林斯顿高级研修学院已愈20年,那时的他已是78岁高龄。
- Kennan had decamped from public service to the institute for advanced study in princeton more than 20 years earlier and was already 78 years old .
- 麦克莱伦此时年仅34岁。
- Mcclellan was thirty-four years old .
- 他们经过了一座旧房子。
- They passed an old house .
- 最佳结婚年龄是多少岁呢?
- How old is the best marriage ?