- 但是,后来发现出口退税的调整可能也有不少副作用,在某种程度上与平等竞争的原则不一致。
- However , it is lately found that the adjustment of export drawback might bring about some side effects , which are not in consistent with the principle of competing on an equal footing to some extent .
- 无论如何,我们可以清楚地看到,美国为什么不接受那种世界多极化的言论这将把它与全球舞台上其它重要参与者置于平等地位。
- In any case , it is clear why the us does not embrace the rhetoric of a multipolar world that would place it on an equal footing with other important world actors .
- 华盛顿婚姻平等将使这里的员工与其他早已认可同性夫妻忠贞关系的六个州具有平等的地位康乃迪克州,爱荷华州,马萨诸塞州,汉普郡,纽约州和佛蒙特州。
- Marriage equality in washington would put employers here on an equal footing with employers in the six other states that already recognize the committed relationships of same-sex couples - connecticut , iowa , massachusetts , new hampshire , new york and vermont .