- 或许仅凭这一点便能保证航行顺利。
- That alone could ensure smooth sailing .
- 这些镜子是无情的,像柏油一样光滑。
- These mirrors are cruel and smooth as asphalt .
- 向保湿霜中加入一滴茶树油可以保持皮肤光滑。
- Add a drop to your moisturizing cream to keep your skin smooth .
- 这个经济增长程度不是一个灾难。
- That level of growth is no disaster .
- 现在日经指数仅有1999年末水平的一半不到。
- The nikkei is now under half its end-1999 level .
- 这些都属于单元测试级别的问题。
- These are issues at the unit testing level .
- 以往的历史表明,如果随之出现收益率曲线走平的情况,将成为欧元兑美元汇率反转的强烈信号。
- Past history shows that any resultant yield curve flattening would be a strong signal of a turn in euro / dollar .
- 有大量迹象显示,钢铁行业负责人已经认为需求可能在持平。
- Signs are prevalent that steel industry chiefs already believe demand may be flattening .
- 整个行业的信用卡违约率也趋于平稳。
- Across the industry credit-card delinquencies are flattening out .
- 汽车数量的增长已趋于平稳。
- The growth in the car population has been levelling off .
- 拆下前照灯调平装置开关。
- Remove switch for headlight levelling system .
- 安装前照灯调平系统开关。
- Install switch for headlight levelling system .