- 放下你手中的咖啡,只一小会儿。
- Put down your coffee for a moment .
- 最终军队镇压了抗议,其中造成了92人死亡。
- The army eventually put down the protests with 92 killed .
- 我不应该写下公司的名字,因为我无法为微软重现出这个图。
- I shouldn 't put down a name of a company because I can 't reproduce this diagram for microsoft .
- 政府需要平息不被广为接受的人口限制而带来的的不满。
- The government needs to quell resentment over its unpopular limits on family size .
- 攻击哈卡尼及其他位于巴基斯坦的激进分子并不能消除阿富汗的暴乱。
- Turning on mr haqqani and other pakistan-based militants would not quell the insurgency in afghanistan .
- 如果有误解发生,管理者可以迅速澄清错误信息,消除大家的担忧。
- If there is some misunderstanding , the manager can quickly clarify incorrect information and quell concerns .
- 上述决定令许多经济学家感到不安,他们担心,奥巴马会为了安抚政治上重要的美国工会,而放弃自由贸易的承诺。
- That decision rattled many economists , who feared that mr obama would backtrack on his free trade promises in an attempt to pacify the politically important us unions .
- 只要塔利班组织继续否认美国为平定甚至是一个像赫尔曼德省马尔贾这样的小农村社区做出的努力,这种谈判就显得空洞无力。
- Such talk rings hollow as long as the taliban continue to defy american efforts to pacify even a small and rural community like marja in helmand province .
- 据说,在美国平定这个伊拉克中部逊尼派据点、努力重掌控制权的过程中,《日内瓦公约》的不少条款被践踏了。
- Dozens of articles of the geneva convention were allegedly breached during the american bid to " re-establish control and pacify " this sunni stronghold in central iraq .
- 抗逆转录病毒药物可以抑制艾滋病毒。
- Antiretroviral drugs suppress the virus .
- 这一切都是试图压制强大市场力量的不可避免的后果。
- All this is the inevitable consequence of efforts to suppress powerful market forces .
- 不要压制愤怒,而是把愤怒的情绪巧妙地转移。
- Don 't suppress anger , but to subtly shift the angry mood .