- 即使在枯燥的市场经济体下,每一滴水是宝贵的,水的价格很少反映水的稀缺。
- Even in arid market economies where every drop is precious , the price of water seldom reflects scarcity .
- 在蒙古西部,一条条沙丘延绵不断,由西向东横跨干旱的风景。
- In western mongolia , braided streams of sand dunes stretch east-west across the arid landscape .
- 摩洛哥人把与阿尔及利亚交界的浩瀚而干旱地带称为“东部”。
- Moroccans call the vast and arid region along their border with algeria " the oriental " .
- 这能够使泥土更快变干。
- This will help dry the soil .
- 已经干透了但还是很有营养。
- They are dry but nutritious .
- 干燥的草地因闪电燃烧。
- Lightning sets fire to dry grass .