- 选举过程似乎还算干净,新出炉的选民登记制多少有些帮助。
- Voting appeared to go cleanly , helped by a new electoral register .
- 过去的研究表明在星系团融合时,大团的暗物质会利落地穿过彼此。
- Past studies have shown that clouds of dark matter pass cleanly through one another when galaxy clusters merge .
- 她总是穿戴整洁地坐在前门旁边的一把椅子上等我。
- I would always find her neatly dressed sitting in a chair right by the front door .
- 茱莉亚拿起了铅笔,工工整整地在横格纸上写了起来:
- Julia picked her pencil up and wrote neatly on the piece of lined paper her biography .
- stone的卖点在于酷炫、婀娜的外形,以及便携式的充电装置,将耳机齐整地插入里面即可,配备黑白两种颜色。
- The stone boasts cool , curvaceous looks , as well as a portable charging unit that the headset slots neatly into , and it is available in both black and white .