- 但是由于化疗使得他的头发不断脱落,他戴上了一顶帽子。
- But he lost his hair due to chemotherapy and started wearing a black cap .
- 不妨放弃青年人的棒球帽而戴其他流行款式的帽子。
- Try other fashionable styles of caps , rather than the very adolescent baseball cap .
- 这种装置是一顶帽子,对应前额部位处有循环凉水的管子通过。
- The device is a cap worn over the forehead containing tubes that circulate cool water .
- 戴一顶有沿的帽子。
- Wear a hat with a brim .
- 现在没人戴帽子了。
- No one wears a hat anymore .
- 戴上帽子,这也是一种保护措施。
- Hat on , some sort of protection .
- 总理戴着他的自行车头盔,那个男孩则系着安全带。
- The prime minister wearing his bike helmet . The boy wearing his seatbelt .
- 匈奴王阿提拉就以一只苍鹰形像装饰他战斗的头盔。
- Attila the hun decorated his battle helmet with the figure of one .
- 这个项目也会为得益于微电子技术使头盔更易于佩戴在动的人身上。
- The project will also benefit from miniaturisation to make the helmet wearable the move .
- 站长助理的工作室,从他的帽子和电话配备来看,这很有可能的大革命后期。
- The workplace of the assistant station-master . Judging by his headgear and telephone , it 's most likely the post-revolutionary period .
- 所以英国出版商wordswortheditions最近决定用photoshop把它处理一下,消除看起来不太舒服的帽子,加上一些头发和一点颊红。
- The image is sufficiently homely that wordsworth editions , a british publisher , recently decided to photoshop it , removing the frumpy headgear and giving jane some hair extensions and a bit of blush in her cheeks .
- 这个真名叫做lemindu,出生于法国的设计师只是在一年前发表了他的品牌,但成功地吸引了大量眼球,并且不仅仅是因为他古怪的包含有埃菲尔铁塔形状的假发的头饰。
- French-born le mindu , his real name , launched his label just a year ago but has managed to grab plenty of headlines , and not just for his outlandish headgear which has included wigs in the shape of the eiffel tower .