- 藓类植物往往会形成由成百上千个微小个体聚集而成的厚厚的垫状群落。
- Moss colonies often consists of hundreds of tiny plants growing tightly together to form a dense mat .
- 宠物们则呆在主人的身边,有自己的垫子和水碗。
- Their dog has its own mat and water bowl beside their owner .
- 这个真正的高科技甜心是一个垫子,由一个电子纸屏做成。
- The real tech candy here is the mat which is made of an electronic paper screen .
- 你要抽烟或是禁止抽烟的座位?
- Would you like a smoking or nonsmoking seat ?
- 克里斯特先生自己目前正在竞选参议院席位。
- Mr crist is running for the seat himself .
- 你有特别希望的座位吗?
- Do you have any seat preference ?
- 我每样东西都有固定放置地点。
- I have a place for everything .
- 这是一个上演大结局的华丽地点。
- It 's a gorgeous place to hold an apocalypse .
- 你经历过他刚才所描述的事情吗?
- Have you been in the place that he just described ?
- 这是一场没有人会被拒之门外宴会。
- This is a feast that no one should be turned away from .
- 他们邀请当地印第安人参加宴会以表示感谢,帮助他们在美国第一年里生存下来。
- They invited local indians to a feast to thank them for help in surviving their first year in america .
- 当一切都准备好了,这对夫妇坐下来休息,等待着一顿愉快的家庭宴会。
- When the preparations were finished , the couple sat back in expectation of a happy family feast .
- 在学期末的时候,我们请罗斯在我们的足球宴会上讲话我永远也不会忘记她给我们的教诲。
- At the end of the semester we invited rose to speak at our football banquet and I 'll never forget what she taught us .
- “美食实验社”的盛宴是对这些中世纪壮观场景的一种现代回应。
- The efs 's banquet is a modern answer to these medieval spectaculars .
- 这是在伦敦的一次盛宴,为纪念这一代中的两三个卓尔超群的军人而举行的。
- It was at a banquet in london in honor of one of the two or three conspicuously illustrious english military names of this generation .