- 问题是,我们如何继续使用互联网,同时在我们的网络玻璃房四周保留一些隐私的窗帘?
- The question is , how do we keep using the internet while maintaining some curtain of privacy around our cyber glass house ?
- 你躲在幕帘后面,等着被发现。
- You 're hiding behind a curtain , waiting to be found .
- 测试已表明,此帘能杀死一些飞入其中的蚊子。
- Tests have shown that the curtain kills some mosquitoes that fly into it .
- 如果他有超感应力,这位总统可能会查询哈里杜鲁门阴影寻求证据。
- Had he powers of esp , this president might consult the shade of harry truman for proof .
- 现在正值挖掘工地的午饭时间,工人们都躲到树荫下面吃午饭去了。
- It was lunch hour at the dig site , and the workers had gone to eat in the shade .
- 在炎热夏季,它把阳光遮得严严实实,让我的家处在树荫下。
- In the summer , it blocks the sun almost completely , keeping my home in shade .
- 他喊道,提供前折腾他推了沉重通过后悬垂托马斯在那一刻来喘口气丝毫。
- He cried , offering tomas the slightest of moments to draw breath , before tossing him with a heavy shove through the rear drape .
- 事到一半时,听到屋外传来脚步声,女人慌忙取来羊皮大衣让情妇披上。
- The thing arrives when the half , footstep is transmitted outside hearing house , woman hurriedly fetch sheepskin coat lets moll drape .
- 本文主要介绍了无菌灌装机的封合方法以及减少褶皱采取的方法和措施。
- The article mainly make a research on sealing method of aseptic canning machine , and bring forward several measures to reduce drape .