- 现代艺术家不是从一张白纸或者空荡荡的画布出发的。
- Modern artists don 't start with a blank page or empty canvas .
- 双色格子帆布设计在1888年首次亮相。
- The damier canvas design debuted in 1888 .
- 他们关闭了那个加油站,油泵上盖着肮脏的帆布罩。
- They 'd shuttered the station , covered the pumps with dirty canvas hoods .
- 她游起永来像只鸭子。
- She swims like a duck .
- 把你的鸭子的腿和翅膀从第一个关节处剪下。
- Trim the legs and wings of your duck back to the first joint .
- 已进入最后一年任期的李明博,被视为一只“跛脚鸭”。
- Mr lee is entering his last year in office and is perceived as being a lame duck .