- 但是这个建筑的对称的设计和庞大的引起了其他的阐释。
- Yet the building 's symmetrical layout and monolithic scale invite other interpretations .
- 上图显示了固定宽度网页布局大体上的实现方式。
- The image above shows the general outline of a fixed-width website layout .
- 因此简单的垂直布局的表单通效果常好于多栏的布局。
- Therefore forms with a simple vertical layout are always better than multi-column layouts .
- 数码分销应该可以促进好莱坞更好地面向消费者。
- Digital distribution should allow it to become much more consumer-facing .
- 它各一运用在整个供应链和分销网络中。
- It can apply to whole supply chains and distribution networks .
- 移动设备的出现也打乱了软件的分销和定价。
- Mobile devices have also helped disrupt the distribution and pricing of software .
- 这些条纹的确切成分仍未可知。
- Their exact composition remains uncertain .
- 由于受到体重和身体成分的影响,个体蛋白质的建议摄入量因人而异。
- Individual protein recommendations vary per person , depending on weight and body composition .
- 资产配置已经发展到什么程度,可以综合现代指数的构成探个究竟。
- How far asset allocation has developed can be seen from the composition of modern indexes .