- 而视觉艺术在质与量上都变得与其他艺术形式不同:它已变成了一场与曼特尔所代表的严肃的创意努力毫无关联的庸俗游戏。
- Visual art has become qualitatively and quantitatively different from other cultural spheres : it is turning into a philistine game that has nothing to do with the serious creative endeavour epitomised by mantel .
- 与一种民众普遍认为做生意与唯利是图、枯燥和庸俗划等号的文化相比,崇尚自主创业的文化可能更富活力、更成功。
- A culture where running your own business is seen as an admirable and impressive achievement is likely to be more dynamic and successful than one where general opinion judges trade to be mercenary , dull and philistine .
- 下次话题可能会转到麦当娜(madonna)离婚上,而你将会回复或许一直拥有的状态:自鸣得意、令人厌烦、平庸俗气,钱多到了于你无益的程度,对于你那漂亮的艺术家妻子来说,她做出了一个古怪的选择。
- Next time the topic will probably have shifted to madonna 's divorce , and you will be returned to the status you probably always had : smug , boring , philistine , too rich for your own good and an eccentric choice of husband for your nice , arty wife .